Here’s why companies spend thousands on custom server bezels
Building a data center is a costly task, let alone a server adding custom bezels each server. So why is it that companies order thousands of dollars worth of custom server bezels?
That answer can change depending on the company.
It’s unlikely that Google would find it worth their time to add custom bezels to their entire data center purely for aesthetics while smaller company might consider it. Custom bezels are also used for purposes beyond making servers look better. Companies who create specialized products using OEM server components need a way to implement their brand to the product.
Rebranding other manufacturers hardware

In our experience, the most popular reason for ordering custom server bezels is to re-brand OEM parts. Before you get concerned, it’s not as simple as someone swapping bezels on a PowerEdge server and marking it at a higher price. Companies that participate in this method of business are creating “turnkey” products for specific use cases.
In this situation, a turnkey product would be a basic server that has custom software. For instance, there might be a company developing software that makes jobs easier in the medical industry but requires servers to be installed in a facility. Since the company worked hard or modifying the server, it would dignify adding their own branding to help with recognition.
Another example of a company who will feel the need to rebrand a server is one that builds custom machines. All parts of a server are sold individually. While mainstream companies have a firm grasp on the server market, there is always room for more custom or customizable products. If the cost or quality of a certain brand servers decreases, another company will be able to sell custom configurations with better efficiency and cost, and they will need bezels to create brand recognition.
Brand recognition and appearance
This use case takes up less of the market share compared to rebranding custom products but is the most logical use for custom bezels. Let’s say a company is showing tourists or investors their headquarters. It would be more impressive to have a rack full of thematic, custom designed servers than traditional, dark face plates.
Sometimes a company’s servers will be stored in a colocation center. The colocation center can offer custom bezels as a benefit of using their center or a company can purchase their own to help distinguish their servers. Because of the cost associated with this usage, it happens much less frequently.
According to our customers, custom bezels make server rooms look much better. When you don’t need to fill an entire data center, it’s a bit more practical to spend money on appearance, especially if they are visible to people inside of a building. By the same token, many companies require minimum order quantities of over 50 which might not be possible for medium sized businesses.
RackSolutions’ Custom Server Bezel Options

When it comes to creating custom products for servers, RackSolutions has you covered in nearly every area. Our experienced engineers have perfected the design of custom server bezels for many OEM servers like Dell, HP and IBM.
We offer custom hole patterns that function to both ensure airflow and match your companies branding guidelines. In total there are 11 different colors, 8 hole patterns, 6 badge styles and 2 badge locations to choose from. You can also customize material preferences and style designs.
With a larger minimum order quantity and additional fees, we can offer a fully customization bezel with unlimited colors and custom silkscreens. Depending on what level of customization you need, we can have the bezels to you in of 5 weeks or more.