Tesla’s Powerwall Battery Looks Like Game Changer for Data Centers


Tesla’s new Powerwall battery has generated quite the buzz in the tech community. The $3,000 device will be used by homeowners, as well as green data centers. This is the ideal battery for those who are going green in IT. The company’s first ever consumer grade product functions as an incredibly efficient zero emission energy generator.

In a nutshell, the Powerwall is a large and powerful lithium-ion battery that can be recharged with ease. It can be affixed to the wall in homes and business alike.

These devices will soon be popping up in green data centers across the world. The Powerwall is easily connected to the power grid. It can also be linked up to solar panels as well. Tesla went to great lengths to make the Powerwall a completely self-managed technology. The company directly transmits software updates to the devices to ensure continuous improvements.

Tesla expects the Powerwall to create significant cost savings as the device places minimal strain on the power grid. It actually allows for numerous hours worth of energy off the grid during the times of the day when electricity costs are at their highest. This ameliorates the storage of solar energy to a level that exceeds the system’s current capacity. The Powerwall also functions as an important source of power in the event of an outage.

In terms of specifications, the Powerwall carries an efficiency rating of 92 percent. It permits a continuous power supply of 2kW and 3kW of peak power. The device will be sold as either a 7kWh or 10kWh unit. Tesla representatives have stated that the 10kWh unit is recommended for businesses and homes where there is an expected need for a backup power supply. Company representatives state that the 7kWh version is ideal for “daily use” contexts. Customers will have to pay an extra $500 for the 10kWh unit yet both versions come with a 10 year guarantee. Industry experts expect the device to eventually be leased on a monthly basis to decrease the cost of use.

Data centers, utility providers and other businesses will receive large scale versions of the Powerwall. Tesla is lining up corporate customers like Target and Amazon. These companies will use Tesla Powerwall batteries ranging from 100kWh to 10MWh+. Company representatives state that the technology can maintain a utility on the grid for upwards of four consecutive hours.

Tesla's Powerwall Battery Looks Like a Game Changer for Data Centers
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Tesla's Powerwall Battery Looks Like a Game Changer for Data Centers
Tesla's new Powerwall battery has generated quite the buzz in the tech community. The $3,000 device will be used by homeowners, as well as green data centers. This is the ideal battery for those who are going green in IT.
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