How to Prepare for Rack System Installation
Putting together your Rack system requires some preparation in order to get this task accomplished in a systematic and timely manner. There are some key and critical steps which you should perform so as to have a hitch free installation. Here are the important steps you should factor into your rack solutions.
Step One-Figuring out the things you need for your installation
It is always a good strategy to take an expanded view of things you not only need to use at the moment, consider also the items you may want to install in the future. Some of the things you may need in the future would best be accommodated now so as to have the needed space when time comes.
Step Two-Sketch out your wall mount rack
Draw a picture of what you want your rack system to look like. Also consider the things and components you would like to mount on it. Think about how you want to configure your network, would you like home theater equipment instead, these are some questions to address at this stage.
Step Three-What Supplies would you need for your rack solutions?
A good preparation for your rack system installation would require a list of supplies you will need. Include all items regardless of how little they may be. Such items like washers, rack screws and cage nuts. A complete list will save you tons of time once the actual installation work commences.
Step Four-Do you have the needed tools?
At times one may forget to assemble all the right tools needed for your rack installation work. Some of the items one may forget could be small things like screwdrivers (flat head), harmer, pencil, tape measure and a flashlight will also come handy.
Step Five- Speak to Professionals about your wall mount rack
Consult with professionals; ask questions about areas you have vague knowledge about. Consultation is usually free and if you don’t ask you may not know how to do certain things that can delay your project. Also consider asking a friend to assist you in some capacity.
Step 6- Use Tape to measure space and dimensions
Rack mounting work requires measurement to make sure everything fits. It could be very frustrating when you have done so much work and suddenly realize that something does not fit where it should be causing unnecessary delay to take things apart and only to start over again.
Step 7- Secure your mounted electronic equipment
Okay you have done well installing your wall rack mount equipment. This is a costly investment and you will need to secure your mounted equipment like home theater objects to prevent it from falling over and getting mistakenly knocked down. It is a great safety step to secure them on the shelves to prevent them from being knocked over and damaged in the process.