What Are NEMA Ratings and Are They Important?

Among so many other acronyms floating around the world of technology, you might easily skim NEMA and move on with your daily operations. However, when you want to find out more about server rack cabinet enclosures–whether you need a 5u or a 42u server rack cabinet–and their quality, you will think again and appreciate what NEMA is all about.

What is NEMA and What Are NEMA Ratings?

The acronym “NEMA” stands for the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Founded in 1926, according to The Cableorganizer Learning Center, the NEMA formed out of the merger of the Associated Manufacturers of Electrical Supplies and the Electrical Powers Club. During that time, electronics had just starting to become prevalent, and industry leaders noted the need for required standards to which electronics manufacturers must all adhere.

Not only did NEMA form to monitor the quality and safety of electronics products, but they also wanted create simple processes to ensure compatibility between different devices. The regulation organization also monitors conditions where moisture is an issue, such as times when electronics are outdoors, or if there are other risk factors involved.

Armor Logix notes that NEMA also rates the level of protection against deteriorating factors such as corrosion, gasket aging and construction practices that breach designated environmental conditions.

Are NEMA Ratings Important to Your Facility?

Any facility that works with electronics benefits from NEMA’s rating system and their continuing updates of those ratings as technology continually changes at a rapid pace. If you run a data center facility, you definitely benefit from paying attention to NEMA’s ratings.

The importance of server rack cabinet enclosures is their role in preventing ingress, or entry, and egress, or escape, of substances into a device, so the rating that NEMA gives these enclosures is critical.

A Small List of NEMA Ratings 

Take a look at some of the following ratings and see how they relate to your data center:

  • NEMA 1. Indoor-use enclosures that protect against dust and other airborne debris.
  • NEMA 2. Indoor-use enclosures that protect against liquid contaminants.
  • NEMA 3. Indoor-use or outdoor-use cabinets that limit personnel access to dangerous areas. This rating also addresses the protection against dust carried by the wind, falling dirt and other debris, as well as rain, sleet, snow and ice.

All of these ratings, as well as others, are in place to make sure your enclosures are working properly to keep your electronics and server racks safe.

What Are NEMA Ratings and Are They Important for Your Facility?
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What Are NEMA Ratings and Are They Important for Your Facility?
Among so many other acronyms floating around the world of technology, you might easily skim NEMA and move on with your daily operations. Read more about NEMA Ratings here!
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