Why should you choose a wall mount rack?

There are many types of racks to choose from, but each is designed with different needs and environments in mind. Wall mount racks, which are generally in open frame or cabinet styles, are ideal for settings where operational space is limited.

Wall mount racks are mainly used for housing network equipment like patch panels and switches, but you can also mount servers in the rack. Most of the time, equipment in wall mount racks are mounted vertically or horizontally to save space and maintain access to the front and back I/O.

These racks are mainly used for housing network equipment like patch panels and switches, but you can also mount servers in the rack.

What are the benefits of a wall mount rack?

These racks do not take up space on the floor.

Wallmount Rack – 15U with Front Door

Though this benefit may seem obvious, it is important. When you are working in a small space, you need to use the space that you do have as efficiently as possible. Wall mount racks allow you to optimize your work space by keeping IT equipment off of floors and desks.


They are easier to setup and install than other types of racks.

Most small or home-based businesses do not have in-house IT solutions and may choose to install network racks on their own. With a basic understanding of how these racks work, you can setup and install wall mount racks yourself. Although hiring a professional is certainly encouraged and will save you some time.

They are affordable

If you run a small business or are looking for a rack solution for your home, wall mount racks are an affordable option. Though these racks may be more expensive than storing your server hardware on a desk or shelf, they minimize the costs from damage that you may incur with an exposed system.

No matter what rack solution you choose, it is important that you maintain network security and proper cable management to create an organized system that guards against physical interference or accidental damage.

Why Should You Choose a WallMount Rack? - RackSolutions
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Why Should You Choose a WallMount Rack? - RackSolutions
Network racks are essential for storing your equipment in an organized, safe and efficient manner. Rack solutions allow you to house many IT components in a smaller amount of space, helping you use storage area more efficiently, while also protecting network equipment and maintaining an organized environment.
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