IBM Features RackSolutions Products in Cloud Based Data Center
RackSolutions is proud to be inside the heart of an #IBMCloud data center. IBM and RackSolutions have had a long history of partnering together, pushing the boundaries of data center technologies and much more. Recently, IBM featured RackSolutions products in a video that highlights their AI-ready and secure-to-the-core IBM Cloud technology. Products custom designed by RackSolutions engineers specifically for IBM data centers. Below is the list of RackSolutions products that can be seen in the video:
- 50U Open Frame Rack
- 50U x 14″D Vertical Cable Bar
- Universal Rail Kits – designed as an innovative solution for decreasing server deployment times
RackSolutions is excited to be a part of the IBM Cloud data centers!

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IBM Features RackSolutions Products in Cloud Based Data Center
RackSolutions is proud to be inside the heart of an #IBMCloud data center. IBM and RackSolutions have had a long history of partnering together, pushing the boundaries of data center technologies.
Destiny Morris
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