A Guide to Powerstrip Mounting
Having a power strip tucked behind a desk or other computer holding area isn’t a difficult thing, but that style of handling the power in and out is better suited for an individual application. When there are large numbers of computers and peripheral devices that all need to be powered up and down throughout the workday, power strip mounting locations and specifics become much more important. Where a strip is located, how easy it is to access it, and how protected it is from accidental damage or other problems all matter.
Rack mounting PDU and power strips are important for proper security and safety, along with a higher opportunity to have access to the power strip as often as necessary. In some kinds of applications, plugging something into a power strip and then forgetting about it isn’t realistic. Plugging items in and/or unplugging them during the day may be necessary, depending on the nature of the items and how they’re being used. The flexibility to do that is necessary, but has to be coupled with making sure the power strip mounting location isn’t one that’s too exposed.
A rack mount PDU is generally the best choice, because it can provide more outlets (and therefore more options) than a smaller power strip. For larger applications where many computers are going to be plugged into a common power source, a rack mount can also be more efficient and effective, making the workday easier and requiring less maintenance and adjustment. It’s vital to make sure the option chosen is going to work for the space, though. When mounting to server racks, the size and style of the PDU matters. Measurements must be taken, and needed power requirements should be carefully considered.
Once the right size and style of rack mount PDU or power strip has been determined, it’s only a matter of purchase and installation. Many companies feel better having a professional install a PDU, simply because it can be safer for those who are unfamiliar with these types of systems or who don’t want to take any risk with anything electrical. However, installation of a rack mounted PDU or power strip is generally not difficult, and can be completed by almost anyone who carefully follows directions. Then all computers and peripherals will be better protected.